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F?Protekkt is an automatic fire extinguisher for vehicle engines. Engines are run on internal combustion which means they run on the concept of lighting fire to the fuel. As long as this fire is contained within the engine it is well and good. The problem arises when the fire gets a chance to leak out of the engine. F?Protekkt detects the fire and extinguishes it by releasing the gas contained within it. This ends up saving the vehicle but more importantly lives. Requirement :- When a vehicle engine catches fire, the people within the vehicle panic. This panic leads to negative action or inaction from people that could potentially lead to loss of life. To solve this very problem F?Protekkt was created. Being an automatic fire extinguisher F?Protekkt detects the fire and immediately springs into action to stop it. Thus, dousing the fire at the source and saving lives.

Commenced Operation

Operations Commenced On 2017

Number of Franchise Outlet10-20

Franchise Details

Industry Dealers & Distributors

Sector Dealers and Distributors


Franchise/Brand Fee   1Lac

Royalty/Commission 0%

Investment Range 15Lac - 20Lac


Franchisor Property Details

Are any performance minimum guarantees given to unit franchisee?No

What is the anticipated percentage return on investment?200%

What is the likely payback period of capital for a unit franchise?Min- 1 Year(s) & Max- 2 Year(s)

What type of property is required for this franchise opportunity?Commercial

Minimum Area1000 Sq Feet

Maximum Area3000 Sq Feet

Agreements Details

Duration of the contract 3 Years