- Business Informations
- Investment
- Business Details
Diva Lifestyle Private Limited is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 18 Aug, 2011. It's a private unlisted company and is classified as 'company limited by shares'.
Company's authorized capital stands at Rs 200.0 lakhs and has 50.5% paid-up capital which is Rs 101.0 lakhs. Diva Lifestyle Private Limited last annual general meet (AGM) happened on 30 Sep, 2017. The company last updated its financials on 31 Mar, 2017 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Diva Lifestyle Private Limited is majorly in Trading business from last 8 years and currently, company operations are active. Current board members & directors are DEEPAK RAGHANI and DINESH RAGHANI .
Company is registered in Kolkata (West Bengal) Registrar Office. Diva Lifestyle Private Limited registered address is SIDDHA VILLA 27 MARQUIS STREET KOLKATA WB 700016 IN.
Franchisor Property Details
Are any performance minimum guarantees given to unit franchisee?Yes
What is the anticipated percentage return on investment?55%
What is the likely payback period of capital for a unit franchise?Min- 1 Year(s) & Max- 2 Year(s)
What type of property is required for this franchise opportunity?Commercial
Minimum Area600 Sq Feet
Maximum Area1000 Sq Feet
Agreements Details
Duration of the contract 5 Years